
Efficient integrity checking for untrusted database systems


Thesis and Dissertation Workshop (WTDBD)

Topics of interest:

Data Integrity, Outsourced Data, Untrusted Database


Unauthorized changes to database content can result in significant losses for organizations and individuals. As a result, there is a the need for mechanisms capable of assuring the integrity of stored data. Meanwhile, existing solutions have requirements that are difficult to meet in real world environments. These requirements can include modifications to the database engine or the usage of costly cryptographic functions. In this paper, we propose a technique that uses low cost cryptographic functions and is independent of the database engine. Our approach allows for the detection of malicious data update operations, as well as insertion and deletion operations. This is achieved by the insertion of a small amount of protection data into the database. The protection data is calculated by the data owner using Message Authentication Codes. In addition, our experiments have shown that the overhead of calculating and storing the protection data is minimal.


Anderson Luiz Silvério, Ronaldo dos Santos Mello, Ricardo Felipe Custódio

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